A Very Merry BFC Cookie Party

by bfcboutique

A Very Merry Cookie Party

A little while ago we received one of our most favourite books of the season – A Very Merry Cookie Party. If you like baking cookies, parties or eating cookies, you’ll probably like this book. It’s filled with tons of yummy recipes (about 120!) for pretty much every type of cookie you can imagine. There are also tips for decorating, planning and hosting to help ensure your party is a huge success.

We took inspiration from the book and planned our own little party recently – it was a huge success. Although we didn’t all make cookies from recipes in the book, everything was delicious and we all left with a scrumptious assortment of cookies. Below are some of the cookies that we made, and too see a few more photos from the night you can visit Piper’s blog Pontouf (ooh and more on the adorable mice cookies she made is there too!)

mmmmm.... cookies.

Admittedly, it’s now a wee bit late to plan a cookie exchange before Christmas (unless you’re superwoman with superwoman friends) but even if you don’t exchange any cookies this year, the book is still filled with lots of great recipes that will be delicious all year round – besides, it’s always good to be prepared for the 2012 holiday season!

Do you have a favourite type of holiday cookie?